Straight to the point |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Eddy Day
Ce soir, c'est l'grand soir
Troisièm' fois d'ma vie d'vant Monsieur Eddy
Chaussettes noires de mise, pourquoi pas la ch'mise ?
Olympia me voilà, j'le regretterai pas.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Après les accras de morue au menu de midi trois journées de suite, je me demande bien ce que je vais pouvoir boulotter la semaine prochaine.
L’excuse de la sueur est un peu facile. Au mois d'octobre, on ne transpire plus comme en été. Rien ne l'empêche de prendre sa douche le soir avant d'aller se pieuter. Au lieu de faire le souk à 5 heures du mat’ !
La semaine prochaine, je révise mes classiques. L’Olympia, ça se prépare. Il s'agirait pas de décrocher en plein "Cimetière des éléphants".
Depuis quelques jours, l’Armée de Terre rediffuse sa campagne de recrutement sur les principales chaînes de télévision françaises. Montage dynamique, valeurs universelles, rien n’est trop beau pour attirer le chaland chez les kakis. Le spot se termine sur un slogan qui laisse songeur : Devenez vous-même.
La zigouille, nature profonde de l’Homme ? Bien, mon Colonel ! Après tout, il n’y a encore pas si longtemps, on tuait bien des bisons pour survivre.
Cromagnon, troufion : même combat !
Ce mec
A une conscience aiguë
De son transit.
Je bois, c'est plus fort que moi.
L’excuse de la sueur est un peu facile. Au mois d'octobre, on ne transpire plus comme en été. Rien ne l'empêche de prendre sa douche le soir avant d'aller se pieuter. Au lieu de faire le souk à 5 heures du mat’ !
La semaine prochaine, je révise mes classiques. L’Olympia, ça se prépare. Il s'agirait pas de décrocher en plein "Cimetière des éléphants".
Depuis quelques jours, l’Armée de Terre rediffuse sa campagne de recrutement sur les principales chaînes de télévision françaises. Montage dynamique, valeurs universelles, rien n’est trop beau pour attirer le chaland chez les kakis. Le spot se termine sur un slogan qui laisse songeur : Devenez vous-même.
La zigouille, nature profonde de l’Homme ? Bien, mon Colonel ! Après tout, il n’y a encore pas si longtemps, on tuait bien des bisons pour survivre.
Cromagnon, troufion : même combat !
Ce mec
A une conscience aiguë
De son transit.
Je bois, c'est plus fort que moi.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Un héros moderne |
Cette nuit, j'ai fait un rêve atroce : M6 Boutique était supprimé de la grille de M6 et Pierre Dhostel envoyé sur France 2 pour animer un talk-show. En remplacement de Jean-Luc ? Le songe ne le dit pas, mais je crois que Sophie a du souci à se faire...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Aujourd’hui, je me suis rasé la barbe.
Verdict : c’est moche, je me préférais avec.
Conséquence : assignation à résidence de 5 jours.
Addendum : crime scene here
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
La nouvelle bombe d'I-Télé
Spa 1995
"Leur dialogue grimacé restera secret,
mais leur camaraderie d'antan n'y résistera pas"
[Jean-Louis Moncet, L'année Formule 1 1995,
GP de Belgique, Schumacher-Hill]
Monday, September 6, 2010
Plier, ne pas rompre
Le Chêne et le Roseau
Le Chêne un jour dit au Roseau :
"Vous avez bien sujet d'accuser la Nature ;
Un Roitelet pour vous est un pesant fardeau.
Le moindre vent, qui d'aventure
Fait rider la face de l'eau,
Vous oblige à baisser la tête :
Cependant que mon front, au Caucase pareil,
Non content d'arrêter les rayons du soleil,
Brave l'effort de la tempête.
Tout vous est Aquilon, tout me semble Zéphyr.
Encor si vous naissiez à l'abri du feuillage
Dont je couvre le voisinage,
Vous n'auriez pas tant à souffrir :
Je vous défendrais de l'orage ;
Mais vous naissez le plus souvent
Sur les humides bords des Royaumes du vent.
La nature envers vous me semble bien injuste.
- Votre compassion, lui répondit l'Arbuste,
Part d'un bon naturel ; mais quittez ce souci.
Les vents me sont moins qu'à vous redoutables.
Je plie, et ne romps pas. Vous avez jusqu'ici
Contre leurs coups épouvantables
Résisté sans courber le dos ;
Mais attendons la fin. "Comme il disait ces mots,
Du bout de l'horizon accourt avec furie
Le plus terrible des enfants
Que le Nord eût portés jusque-là dans ses flancs.
L'Arbre tient bon ; le Roseau plie.
Le vent redouble ses efforts,
Et fait si bien qu'il déracine
Celui de qui la tête au Ciel était voisine
Et dont les pieds touchaient à l'Empire des Morts.
Heat | The café scene
Seven years in Folsom.
In the hole for three.
McNeil before that.
McNeil as tough as they say?
You're looking to become a penologist?
You're looking to go back?
You know I chased down some crews, guys were just looking to fuck up, got busted back.
That you?
You must've worked some dipshit crews.
I worked all kinds.
You see me doing thrill-seeker liquor store holdups
with a 'Born to Lose' tattoo on my chest?
No, I do not.
I am never going back.
Then don't take down scores.
I do what I do best. I take scores.
You do what you do best. Try to stop guys like me.
So, you never wanted a regular type life?
What the fuck is that? Barbecues and ball games?
This regular type that your life?
My life? No, my life....
My life's a disaster zone.
I got a stepdaughter so fucked up
Because her real father is this largetype asshole.
I got a wife.
We're passing each other on the down slope of a marriage.
My third.
Because I spend all my time chasing guys like you around the block.
That's my life.
A guy told me one time:
“Don't let yourself get attached
To anything you are not willing to walk out on
In 30 seconds flat
If you feel the heat around the corner.”
Now, if you're on me
And you got to move when I move
How do you expect to keep a marriage?
That's an interesting point.
What are you, a monk?
I have a woman.
What do you tell her?
I tell her I'm a salesman.
So, if you spot me coming around that corner
You're just gonna walk out on this woman?
Not say goodbye?
That's the discipline.
That's pretty vacant.
Yeah, it is what it is.
It's that or we both better go do something else, pump.
I don't know how to do anything else.
Neither do I.
I don't want much to either.
Neither do I.
You know, I have this recurring dream.
I'm sitting at this big banquet table
And all of victims of all the murders I ever worked are sitting there
And they're staring at me with these black eyeballs
Because they got eightball hemorrhages from the head wounds.
And there they are, these big balloon people
Because I found them two weeks after they'd been under the bed.
The neighbors reported the smell
And there they are
All just sitting there.
What do they say?
No talk?
No, just, they have nothing to say.
We just look at each other.
They look at me
And that's it. That's the dream.
I have one where I'm drowning.
And I gotta wake myself up and start breathing
Or I'll die in my sleep.
You know that's about?
Yeah, having enough time.
Enough time
To do what you want to do?
That's right.
You doing it now?
No, not yet.
You know, we're sitting here
You and I like a couple of regular fellas.
You do what you do,
I do what I gotta do.
And now that we've been face to face
If I'm there and I gotta put you away,
I won't like it.
But, I tell you
If it's between you
And some poor bastard
Whose wife you're gonna turn into a widow,
You are going down.
There's a flip side to that coin.
What if you do got me boxed in
And I gotta put you down?
Because no matter what
You will not get my way.
We've been face to face, yeah.
But I will not hesitate.
Not for a second.
Maybe I swear it'll be.
Who knows?
Well, maybe we'll never see each other again.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Somme toute, il se pourrait bien que moins d'angélisme, de pacifisme niais, de non-violence aveugle puissent rendre, paradoxalement, le monde plus vivable. Au lieu d'être omniprésente mais déniée, insaisissable et diffuse, la violence serait visible et circonscrite. Ni diabolique ni salvatrice, elle paraîtrait de nouveau pour ce qu'elle est : une affaire simplement humaine, trop humaine. Mais réelle.
Roger-Pol Droit
Dead Poets Society
Show me a heart
Unfettered by foolish dreams
And I'll show you
A happy man
But only in their dreams
Can men be truly free
'Twas always thus
And always thus will be
Sexy Dirty Money
Chauffeur and rich family son
I need help. I’ve got this little romantic rendezvous tonight and, uh, I was wondering if you could hook me up with a place to eat.
A restaurant?
This girl I like, she doesn't know who I am. You know, she thinks I’m this normal parking attendant, and, you know, I just wanna keep it that way.
So... Where do people like you go out?
People like me?
Yeah, you know, like poor-poor people. Where do you eat when you go out?
You know, Jeremy, I actually make a pretty decent living working for your family.
I’ve seen you eating your bag lunch, and, you know, I don't know what's going on with the whole silent-movie-star moustache, but it seems pretty... poverty-related.
You’re right, Jeremy. I... can't actually afford a beard.
Oh. That’s a good one.
In the interest of full poor disclosure, Maureen and I do enjoy, occasionally, going out for pizza or a walk down the Brooklyn promenade.
That’s sweet and simple. I like it. Sometimes, after, we'll take a bottle of wine up on the roof and...If the stars are out and the mood hits us, well..., you know us poor people.
You do the deed alfresco?
Clarksdale! You’re like the-the fountain of middle class romance-formation.
I have been called that before.
I know this whole get-together may seem a little old-fashioned, but I thought it was time to cut through the haze of go-betweens and talk in person.
Hey, I couldn't agree more.
Paddy... I’m glad you came. Thank you.
As long as everything's moving forward, dad, I’m happy.
No hard feelings.
So... What are you doing with my son?
No, what is the nature of your alliance?
Hold on a second. Are you kidding?
This is none of your business anymore, dad. You don't have to answer that.
No, no, no, I’m happy to. I’m ecstatic.
I’ve simply offered myself to Patrick as an advisor and a friend during this time of transition.
So you're not using him as a pawn to enact revenge against me, huh?
Um, I think... that Patrick’s pedigree combined with his passion for social justice is going to make him a very effective senator. I’m excited to be on his team, that's all.
Dad, try not to make a fool of yourself, okay?
What’s this all about, Tripp?
It’s about the chilling heartlessness of a man determined to tear asunder the long-standing family ties in the course of his vendetta. Do you want to tell them why you want to destroy my family, or shall I?
You present yourself as some sort of modern-day saint. But that's not who you are at all. You’re not motivated by benevolence. You’re driven from your very core by an obsessive malevolence against me and my family
I’ve gotta get going.
Paddy, hear this out.
Tripp, none of this is personal. It’s business.
So... your family's history with my family has nothing to do with it?
What are you - what are you talking about, Tripp?
I didn't know what his real name was before. But as soon as I found out, everything fell into place. His parents used to work for our family, for a long time. Do you want to continue, or shall I?
I wove to hear what you think you know.
Your father was my mother's lover. well, that was the rumor, and my father couldn't live with those rumors, true or false, so he dismissed his parents, and they fled to the soviet union with the belief that communism spoke more clearly to the plight of African Americans. But it wasn't so rosy over there, was it? His family ended up in a Siberian work camp, and they died there, leaving you an orphan. Is that true?
It touches on the truth.
No, it is the truth. And it's the truth that you hold me personally responsible for the death of your parents.
See, I don't need some desiccated old man to tell me my history.
Especially one who gets it all wrong. My parents didn't go to Russia by choice. Your family forced them there.
Oh, no. you've got it all wrong.
I’m not dried meat, and your parents were not deported from this country, and you know it. No, no. but once their names had been handed over to the state department, they were, for all intents and purposes, hounded out of this country, so, yeah, their deaths lie at the feet of your family, completely.
All right, I’ve heard enough.
Look, I don't know who's telling the truth here, okay? But the fact that you lured all of us up here for this little performance of yours and then get everyone else involved with your game, hat arrogance is precisely why I stopped trusting you years ago, and why I will never trust you again. Do you understand?
Rich son and “poor” lawyer’s wife
Hey, Lisa.
Hey. Is Nick here?
Actually, he's bailing your brother out of jail.
What’s going on? What are you looking for?
Bingo. Is it cool if I borrow your place tomorrow night?
What? I’m not driving.
You’re a valet.
Oh, right. Yeah. So can I use your place?
For what?
Well, this girl I’m into doesn't know who I am. She thinks I’m poor.
What gave her that idea?
I told her I was poor.
So I just need a place that looks like a poor guy would live there,
You know? Jeremy, we're not poor.
Those ants look pretty low-budge.
Those ants cost 12,000, bucks.
Proving my point. Look, I’ll pay you if you want,
You know, if you could use the cash, I have a better idea. How about you tell her the truth, get to know each other as people?
I like your style, Lisa. But that ship has sailed.
Two fresh brothers
You have got a great sense of humor. Of course.
What’s this?
It belonged to my father - our father. I don't know. I thought you might want it.
I don't.
Nothing’s changing, you know, between you and me.
I see.
I mean, even if we're related, we're not family, and we never will be.
Oh, wait.
What? What, Brian? How many more awful things do you want to say to me? I’m in the same boat you are. We both got a raw deal. We’re brothers and our father's dead, so don't let that change anything. Just wrap yourself up in the comfort of your meanness and your self-pity and just say it. Say you hate me. Get it over with.
Fine. I hate you. Would you sit down, please? Come on. This is what church is for - dragging the ruined past through the messy present into the perfect future, and ruining it together. Come on. Would you sit down, please? Thank you.
You’re welcome.
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